Sunday, January 13, 2008

Brother and Sister

Other than my kids', the brother/sister relationship that I'm most familiar with is my own. Now granted, memories of my earliest years are a bit sketchy, but I'm fairly certain that my relationship with my brother NEVER looked like this:

Ha! Ha! (Jason knows that I love him now, but he, too, would admit that we did NOT get along growing up.) So that's why I'm relishing this brief moment in time (which hopefully we'll be able to measure in years rather than just days or months) when my two children absolutely adore one another. Grayson is a GREAT big brother and takes such good care of his li'l sis. Case in point- This morning the 2 of them woke up way too early (as they usually do on weekends). After briefly working together to build block towers in the bathroom of all places, the 2 comrads headed downstairs to wait for their still very sleepy mom and dad. When finally I could no longer stand not knowing what kind of mischief Miss Molly had gotten herself into (always a bad sign when it's too quiet), I came downstairs to find that Grayson had "prepared" breakfast for the 2 of them and was lovingly feeding his sister bites of Go-Gurt that he had squeezed into a bowl for her. (Molly cannot yet be trusted to eat Go-Gurts in the traditional way!)

The love fest continued later in the day when the 2 darlings set out to survey the neighborhood in their jeep.

An eager Molly waiting with Brother's shoes. A rare January afternoon without rain, and the troops were ancy to get outside!

Gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

Sarri said...

That picture of them in the jeep is possibly the cutest thing ever!