Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So (again) it has been awhile. A long while. And I do have plenty of excuses, even some pretty good ones. But truthfully I cannot blame my lack of blogging solely on our family's computer misfortunes. True, the desktop pc did quit working and true, we switched internet service providers and lost our wireless connection for a time. A long time, actually! But really, sadly I was mostly just lazy. But then I found that the laziness gave way to a certain sense of freeness! Like maybe, perhaps, I had turned blogging into something that wasn't very enjoyable anymore. Like maybe, dare I say, a competition? Ick. You know, like keeping up with the Joneses? Double ick. During my "break", I guess I just started to realize that my posts weren't for the pure purpose of keeping my family up to date anymore or for keeping a little record/snapshot of our lives for me to look back on. No, instead, all of sudden I think I started to see if my writing could be as good as or as thought provoking as or as...(fill in the blank) the writing of other bloggers--friends and strangers alike. Yep, I lost sight of who my blog is really for. Me. My family. My friends. The people who want to take a look just to see what kinds of things we've been up to lately. Not the people who want to judge the profoundness of my thoughts. Not that anyone like that has ever even read my blog. In fact, in all honesty, I bet they haven't, but still, unfortunately, I think I started writing it for them--those people.

So now that I'm back to the business of blogging, I'm also back to doing it for the right reasons. Which, ugh, that kind of complicates things! Because if I'm trying to keep a record of this season of our lives, then I can't just skip over the last 5 months that I've missed, right?!?! I mean I know I could, but skip Christmas? Molly's birthday? Aaahhhh! I never make things easy on myself. So for that reason, stay tuned! Coming up next? Christmas, 2009! Ha! Ha!

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