Monday, December 8, 2008

Gingerbread House. Check.

We may not have a tree yet or decorations up, and we're yet to pay a visit to Santa Claus, but by golly we did our gingerbread house!

I tried to get a picture of Molly actually putting candy ON the house, but it seems that in every picture she appears to be eating candy OFF the house! No wonder the girl was up 'til 11 o'clock! (Not kidding.)

And here, my friends, is Gingerbread House 2008.

And see that nice family picture to the left? Yeah, that was the picture you were supposed to get with LAST year's Christmas card. Oh wait. There was no last year's Christmas card! Right.
(Note to self--Christmas cards don't mail themselves. Or write themselves. Get busy.)

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

I'm so behind on you and your posts! Looks like you have been busy - cleaning, celebrating, observing and mommying.

Fun stuff.

Is it weird that I got all sad for you with the baby gear in the truck?!