Monday, December 22, 2008


It has been a different kind of holiday season this year. And I'll admit that I've had a harder time catching the "spirit". I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I did all of my shopping online this year. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE fan of internet purchasing, but at the same time I am one who loves the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season. Call me crazy, but I love the crowds of people, the music, the decorations. But it's not that often that I get to go to the mall sans children but with my husband; hence the need for online shopping. Maybe it has been harder to find the Christmas "spirit" because of the bad economy and how it is affecting my home. And probably your home. All of our homes. Maybe it's because I was "snowed" in my house for 5 freaking days and didn't get to do 1 single glitter project with my kindergarteners! I'm sorry, but a Christmas without glitter? No handcrafted ornaments drenched in glue lovingly wrapped in crumpled tissue paper adorned with scotch tape galore. No class Christmas party either. It hardly seems right.

Sure, in some ways I've held steadfast to tradition. This year's gingerbread house is on display, lights are up, and our tree is trimmed. The disc changer is full of Christmas cds. But even doing all of that didn't happen with the usual eagerness and excitement that Christmas is supposed to bring.

That's not to say that there isn't a spark of Christmas "spirit" within. Oh yes, it's there, and it's beginning to burn brighter. Brighter because I've spent the entire last week with no one but my kids and my husband. Not that I don't love the rest of you--really I do--but I've been afforded this wonderful time of togetherness with the 3 people I never want to be without. We've watched as the snow has fallen outside our window. So quiet, so peaceful, and so incredibly magical if seen thru the eyes of a child. We've played in that snow, too. We've remedied our cold, red cheeks and noses with countless cups of hot chocolate. One night we took a walk, donning snow gear from head to toe and pulling the kids in sleds. And I'll tell you what. That night the magic passed on to me as we trudged thru the snow, giant flakes silently falling on us, and Christmas lights all around. Yes, indeed, the "spirit" within grew a little stronger that night.

And then yesterday. All was made right. We headed to the IMAX theater to watch The Polar Express. In our pajamas. It's not like I hadn't seen the movie before. I have. Several times. But something about yesterday got me. Maybe it was the huge screen and 3-D effects, but I cried like a baby! Tears of joy. And at last, I felt it. The Christmas "spirit"--what it truly is all about.

I hope that you, too, BELIEVE in the magic that is Christmas.


Robin said...

Ah - that elusive search for the magic of Christmas. It has been my experience that you never really find it if you are looking for it. It finds you. When you least expect it.

I've been struggling this year too. My heart just isn't in it. Just still trying to accept the changes up ahead. Your line "the three people you never want to be without" struck a chord in my heart. It's so hard to let go. So hard.

Tara said...

I love this post,Judy. I can identify. Being on one income has truly made things different for me this year as well. I think the snow has been nice as a distraction from all of the economy and other stuff. Anyway...loved what you wrote. So true. :) Merry Christmas!

Paige Lomas said...

Your blog brough a tear to my eye! Great post!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

So often we lose sight of why we BELIEVE. The spirit of Christmas seems to be so easily detoured by people, money, and what we do NOT have. In reality we have so much to be grateful for...our faith, our health, our families. These are all things that money just can't buy. I loved your post sparks so true!

Michelle said...

Great post Judy. Ry loved seeing the Polar Express in 3D too. I think a lot of us have felt the same way having trouble getting into the true spirit of things until recently. It is fun to see the magic of Christmas through our kids' eyes.