Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slarty On!

In short, Grayson had a sleepover last weekend, but you will not understand the title of this post unless you read this. Funny kids.

Anyway, the boys were THRILLED. They really don't get to play with each other much outside of school this year, which is SUCH a change from the 4+ years up to now! And dare I say (gasp) that Grayson was even starting to say that maybe, just maybe (gasp again), Garrett was not his best friend anymore!!! I know! HUGE, right?....(ahem)....I mean....of course I know that they're only 5 years old and really, what is a "best" friend to a 5 year-old? But still! So I decided it was time for intervention #1 of probably 1,080, and I planned a sleepover.

And thankfully during this intervention, all associated persons involved were happy to oblige. :) And after a fun night of pizza, cookie decorating, Tinkerbell the movie (hand-picked by 2 certain 5 year-old boys), baths, books, and lots of costume dress-up, peace was restored to the universe. 2 little boys fell asleep WAY too late but quite certainly as "best" friends once again.
Here are pictures of the fun little cookie "craft" we did. It's super easy and festive. You should try it!
That's sugar cookie dough that I cut out in the shape of their hands.
Then this would be the "intended" end result. Gobble! Gobble!
Molly got right to work.
Thank goodness for frosting and its glue-like capabilities! We avoided near disaster when a certain naughty 2 year-old got ahold of sweet Garrett's cookie and broke the palm right in 2! Gggrrr. But as a I said, thank goodness we had frosting. It only took a few deep breathing exercises for all of us (me and Garrett) to recover!
Happy cookie artists.
And viola:



Guess whose??? :)
And just a couple more pics:

Notice Molly in the picture? Um, yeah, that did not last. Actually, for that matter, the boys didn't last in Grayson's room either! When all was said and done and about 4 different sleeping arrangements later, they landed in MY bed! That landed me in Grayson's bed and Dave on the futon. Did I mention they woke up before 6 a.m.!!! Gotta love sleepovers!


Sarri said...

There's nothing like a good slarty! Thanks again for having him over.

Tara said...

How fun! Love the cookies. Too bad I didn't see that idea earlier. What will you make for Christmas? :)

Michelle said...

Those cookies are a really cute idea. Looks like a fun time was had by all. Slarty on....